Saturday Excoursion

on Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Things are still going great here.

On Saturday I did an all-day excoursion around Kaohsiung. I went downtown, to the harbor, Chi Ching Island, and the Cultural Center. It was awesome, but I did get way sunburned.

Downtown really wasn't that cool, it's just a bunch of stores, but The harbor and Chi Ching Island are awesome.

Chi Ching, is a little island that is just off the coast of Taiwan, it takes about 5 mnutes to get there by ferry. It's kind of a touristy place, but not American tourist, just other Taiwanese tourists. It's now the only place in Taiwan that has rigshaws too. This is the premiere spot for seafood in the country, you can get justabout anything you can think of, in just about any way you can think of. Boiled, fried, barbecued, you name it they've got it.

First I went to the beach. I liked this beach because it's not crowded at all, and the sand is really dark colored.

Then I winded my way through the roads up to the lighthouse on the north end of the island, stopping briefly to watch the little old people fish by the dock. Climbing to the top of the lighthouse was more difficult that expected, but when i finally did get to the top, it was worth it. From the lighthouse I could see over the whole harbor. I took a couple pictures and that's when my camera started going on the fritz.

I went back across the harbor and took the train up to the cultural center in the center of Kaohsiung. The cultural center was way cool, they had a local art exhibit there and it was pretty impessive. Due to my camera's malfunction, i only got a few good pictures though.

I got a new camera last night, and I'm excited to use it on my excoursion this week. I'm going to go to Monkey Mountain, which is down by the harbor. It has a large popluation of Formosan Rock Monkeys, and I'm pretty stoked to photograph them.
1. Kaohsiung Cultural Center
2 Lion Head
3. Cultural Center Rocks
4. Chi Ching Island
5. Kaohsiung Harbor


Unknown said...

AJ, did you see a Buddhist temple at the top of a peak at the entrance to the harbor? Steven took us there, it was a lot of steps but a really beautiful place.